Escape games have become all the rage. What better activity with family or for a business team, than to work together to resolve puzzles, enigmas, riddles, labyrinths and word games?
In Paris they’ve flourished. Folks here love to solve mysteries, and they’re quite good at it. I’ve participated in games in New York and Paris, and the main difference is that New York is more theatrical, Paris is more cerebral. In our Paris run, we encountered at least twice as many enigmas, lock combinations, and such as New York. The larger the group, the better to be able to solve all the problems in time.
Here is a round-up of where you can get yer Sherlock on in the City of Light:
HintHunt (can do game in English)
58 rue Beaubourg
(métro Arts et Métiers or Rambuteau)
Boulevard Saint Martin, 75003 Paris
(métro Strasbourg Saint-Dénis lines 4, 8, 9)
métro Courcelles
(English possible)
93, rue de Turenne, 75003
in the CNIT at La Défense
More for Younger kids, possibility to complete it in English
21 rue de la victoire, Paris
four games derived from films
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