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Ch. 1 teaser


The first chapter of French License sets the scene.  Called Immigration and Transportation, it explains why this story exists.  Necessity, in short, but so much craziness happened along the way…

Here’s an extract:

“…it’s impossible to complete the whole process from scratch in 12 months.

For some foreign permit holders, there’s a quicker route to a French Driver’s License.  If your country has an accord with France, you simply hand over your current State’s license, and they give you a French one.  No questions asked.  No written test.  No driving test.  Piece of cake.  For me it was, “Let him eat cake!”

This easy peasey exchangey happens with more than 100 countries, some of which you’d expect, like the 27 other EU nations. This simple license switcheroo takes place if you’re from Ireland, where the road rises to meet you… on the left-hand side.  Or the Netherlands… where there isn’t a paved road higher than 322 meters above sea level.  Or Malta, which hasn’t seen a snowflake since… ever!”

You can read the full chapter for free in the online sample.

Thanks for reading all the way here, and checking out the 42 snapshots of what’s in store for you within the pages of French License.  It’s not just for expats or folks with an affinity for travel to France.  The book appeals to all those who enjoy black humor and a perspective on the increasingly restrictive world around us.



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